What Can Challenge Coins Be Used For?

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Custom challenge coins are extremely versatile objects that can be used in a number of ways.  From colleges and universities to military bases, these popular gift items help push individuals to succeed at everything that they do.

Why Custom Challenge Coins?

In addition to encouraging individuals to exceed their own expectations, personalized challenge coins also build relationships within schools, workplaces, units, and organizations.  These tokens of appreciation also serve as collector’s items.  People all around the world recognize the quality and craftsmanship that goes into creating custom challenge coins.

From a business perspective, these items appeal to the masses because they are so unique. Customized challenge coins come in a number of sizes, shapes, and colors.  They can be either single sided or double sided according to a customer’s request.  Most feature artwork in some sort of fashion.  Logos, mascots, and emblems are commonly found on the face of a challenge coin.  These attractive items can then be handed out to prospective customers and employees as a way of making a personal connection with them.

custom company coins

At Job Fairs, Conferences, and Trade Show Events

Weightier than other giveaway items, challenge coins make a great first impression at job fairs, conferences, and trade shows.  Few will disagree that branding is everything in today’s world.  If you want to get the word out about your products and services, creating memorable gift items like challenge coins is your key to success.

Customers and employees will be impressed by your attention to details and willingness to go the extra mile to win them over.  They may even go as far to tell their family and friends how professional you are.  This can help win you new customers through referrals.  Custom challenge coins are incredibly helpful in drumming up business.

Showing Military Pride

Members of the military use custom challenge coins to show pride in their unit.  These items also help forge relationships with other men and women.  Receiving a challenge coin from an officer is a great honor.  It means that you possess the qualities of an exceptional individual.  Loyalty, dedication, trustworthiness, and bravery are just a few of the traits that are rewarded with personalized challenge coins.