Make Custom Challenge Coins With Bottle Openers

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bottle opener coins

There are many people that like to carry a commemorative challenge coin in their pockets.  If you are anything like these individuals, we have an even better suggestion for you.  Why not carry a challenge coin that is appealing and has a function?

Creativity and Innovation Become One

Custom challenge coin bottle openers are just as easy to carry in your pocket as coins but come with the added advantage of being able to open a bottle.  When it comes to designing your bottle openers, they can also have an opening that allows you to hang them from a dog tag chain or lanyard. The size options that are available make this useful custom product even more appealing.

Similar to the traditional challenge coins from which they are crafted, the bottle openers can be in any size ranging from 2.5 to 3.5 inches.  A rectangular shaped bottle opener that is 2.75” in size is a happy medium that allows plenty of room for your design. For added versatility, you can also design bottle openers to be double sided rather than just single.

Sharing the Enthusiasm and Perks

If you know others, like you, that genuinely appreciate a high quality challenge coin, why not design a bottle opener for them too?  Their convenience and practicality make them not only popular, but also the perfect gift or give away item. They offer a unique and useful way to say thank you to customers and organizational supporters.

Even recipients who will be seeing a challenge coin or custom bottle opener for the first time are sure to love the creativity and innovation behind it. You may even start a new trend or tradition among close family and friends by creating a new one each year as collectible bottle openers.

Visit our Bottle Openers page to find out more about these creative and useful keepsakes.